Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Not ready for animal husbandry, and other new knowledge!

Since I've been working pretty heavily on a term paper the last few days, the real cheese learning has gotten pretty slow, though I have to say that putting The Murray's Cheese Handbook in the bathroom was a brilliant idea. Because of that, I have learned that a "tomme" is a particular kind of flat shape used for certain cheeses in France, made from the basically non-fat milk left after the butterfat has been skimmed for other purposes. Delicious and great for those concerned with the fat content of their cheese (I'm not really, but maybe this would be a great way to start...)

Anyway, during a delightful break in the work day, I went to a site about raising dairy cows. Goats yesterday, cows today. However - based on all the information there, I am NOT ready for that. Yet. And I am absolutely not ready to castrate baby boy cows. Eek. Maybe I can just hire a cowboy (or get the DH to do it!) Other than that, it seems pretty fabulous if you have enough land with enough tasty green stuff on it. But, it seems that piece of the fantasy is now on the back burner more officially. Much to the relief of the ASPCA, I'm sure!

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